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Ministry Experience & Degrees
Life Experience Credits
Many KBCS students enroll in traditional learning programs. However, we created the Life Experience Degree option to recognize individuals who have accomplished significant ministry and/or hands-on educational experiences.
The process for Life Experience Evaluation is quite simple. Interested students contact the Office of the Academic Dean to begin the evaluation process. Each Life Experience review is unique and is individually molded to meet the needs of each particular candidate, the following are generally required for the college to formulate its decision:
1. Detailed resume listing work, ministry, and educational history
2. Copies of transcripts for all previous education (if applicable)
3. Three references (at least one pastoral) who can attest to your
character, academic achievement, and work/ministry ethic.
Once all of your materials arrive the review process is usually completed within two weeks. The Academic Review Committee's findings are then shared with you. Some candidates may need a few classes to complete their degree of choice or fulfill KBCS core course requirements. Finally, when a Life Experience degree is granted, the admission offer will include:
- Degree Level awarded (Associate through Doctoral) and Major (Concentration or Specialty)
- Tuition for the Degree
To learn more about the KBCS Life Experience Credit process contact the Academic Office:
Dr. Corey Clatterbuck 540.481.4695 (English)
Dr. Mignon Akasa at 615.423.1456 (French)
Email: dean@kingdombiblecollege.org