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Distance Learning Mission
Make biblically based education accessible for everyone to learn how to advance the agenda of God's Kingdom.
Kingdom Bible College & Seminary is devoted to surmounting the obstacles of location, time constraints, and accessibility that often discourage people from working towards or finishing the goal of completing their education in the Word of God.
KBCS provides various learning options so students can move forward in accomplishing the works God has called them to in the earth.
We currently facilitate this for all official KBCS students (those who have completed payment of their tuition and fees) through the following:
Traditional In-Person Classes - Face to face class instruction locally at our KBCS Main Campus in Edinburg, Virginia.
Satellite School Partnerships - Satellite Schools enable us to extend our in-person class offerings to a broader student population globally. Contact us to find out how to create a partnership with KBCS to advance the teaching of the Word of God in your community.
Online Education - In keeping with modern practices that connect our world digitally, KBCS utilizes online classes to anyone with internet access. Students receive a link to the KBCS private online class Facebook group. In this group students have access to their professors, class lectures (audio/video), announcements, handouts, assignments, and any related materials. Students have access to each class lecture for 2 weeks and turn in their assignments either weekly or bi-weekly for grading and instructor feedback.