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Kingdom Bible College & Seminary
Plans of Major

Welcome to our Plans of Major Page
Here you will find more detailed descriptions of each degree, course requirements and a sample course of study for each major. Please remember that each student's profile, collection of experiences and schooling can influence the courses necessary to complete a degree here at KBCS. Reach out to us to connect and go over your goals to receive the maximum benefit from your time here with us at KBCS.
What We
Doctorate in
The Doctor of Religious Philosophy is an advanced academic degree designed for individuals committed to deepening their understanding and honing their executive abilities in developing systematic, impactful Christian philosophy. This program equips students for teaching effective praxis of the Christ life at the regional, community, national and global levels in a myriad of diversified contexts through the lens of the Word of God and His Kingdom perspective.
Doctorate in
The Doctorate in Biblical Studies is an advanced academic degree programs for those who desire to delve further into the study of the scriptures through advanced exegesis, hermeneutics, interpretation for the purpose of dissemination of the bible and to proliferate the discovery of sound principles for operating in everyday life, organizational efforts, enterprises, and scholarly contexts to advance the Kingdom of God.
Doctorate in
​The Doctorate in Theology is an intensive studies degree designed for individuals who have a passion for searching the scriptures to help themselves and others have an encounter with God through His Word. They also have a desire to contribute through research, publishing or other media relevant and sustainable contributions to the study and praxis of Christian theology.
Doctorate in
The Doctorate in Christian Leadership is an advanced academic degree designed for individuals who aspire to provide visionary and transformative leadership to influence others and advance the Kingdom of God. This program equips students with advanced knowledge, strategies, and values necessary for effective Christian leadership so students can answer God’s call on their lives and become relevant leaders in the ever-widening array of global vocational contexts.
Doctorate in
The Doctorate in Christian Education is an advanced academic degree created to specifically target those who have committed themselves to
the vehicle of Christian education as a dynamic form of systematic outreach for transforming the culture around them through the medium of the educational classroom. This program equips students with tangible theology, practical leadership and management skills, coupled with intensive biblical study to give them the strategies needed for impacting education from a Kingdom ministry perspective.
Doctorate in
The Doctorate in Ministry is an advanced professional degree created for those who have a substantial background in ministry and faith praxis who desire to expand and further develop their ministry skills and engage in a focused research project. This program is designed to provide graduates with tangible tools they can utilize to relate to, lead and transform their communities’ challenges into effective and impactful ministry within local, regional and global contexts.